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mpo2jpg: A script for the Fujifilm FinePix 3D camera

While I was living in Japan last fall, I bought a Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W3 digital camera, which is still the most advanced -- not to mention only -- consumer 3D camera on the market.

It creates images in the MPO file format, which is essentially two JPEG images crammed into a single file with some extra parallax data added in. That's fine if you want to view your images on the camera's viewfinder, but what about everywhere else? That's why I created this script for Linux and other Unix machines.

When you run mpo2jpg on a single .mpo file, you will be given four new output files: a single JPEG file each from the camera's right and left "eyes," a single JPEG file that puts the right and left-eye images next to each other (so you can view them in 3D by crossing your eyes), and an anaglyphic image that you can view with red-blue 3D glasses.

Much credit is due to David Glover's scripts, which are available on his blog. And I should warn you that this script is a little rough around the edges when it comes to error handling. Without further ado:

Please let me know if this script was helpful to you; I'd appreciate hearing about any improvements you make as well!

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Script to convert 3D MPO files, as used in the Fuji FinePix series of 3D cameras, into standard JPEG files.
# Based on work by David Glover, posted at
# This script requires exiftool and ImageMagick.

FILENAME="$(basename $FULLNAME)"
DIRNAME="$(dirname $FULLNAME)"

# Create output directories
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-rl/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-mpo/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-anaglyph/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/
mkdir -p "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/

# Create separate left and right images
exiftool -trailer:all= "$FULLNAME" -o "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg
exiftool "$FULLNAME" -mpimage2 -b > "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg

# Move the MPO file to its new home
mv "$FULLNAME" "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-mpo/

# Determine parallax value and create cropped images for stereo generation
# 36 is only appropriate for 4:3 or 3:2 images
parallax=$(exiftool -b -Parallax "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg)
parallax=$(echo "$parallax"*36+0.5 | bc | cut -d . -f 1)

# The above pipeline can't deal with a parallax of zero
# In theory, this fix doesn't cover values between zero and -1
# TODO improve the calculation
if [ ! $parallax ]; then

echo $parallax

if [ $parallax -ge 0 ]; then
    convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg -crop +"$parallax"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
    convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg -crop -"$parallax"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg
    convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left.jpg -crop -"$((-1*$parallax))"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
    convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right.jpg -crop +"$((-1*$parallax))"+0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg

# Create stereoscopic images for cross-eye (right-left) and anaglyph (red-cyan) viewing
convert "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg +append "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-rl/"$BASENAME"-stereoscopic-rl.jpg

composite -stereo 0 "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg "$DIRNAME"/stereoscopic-anaglyph/"$BASENAME"-stereoscopic-anaglyph.jpg

# Clean up separated parallax-corrected images
rm "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-l/"$BASENAME"-left-cropped.jpg
rm "$DIRNAME"/monoscopic-r/"$BASENAME"-right-cropped.jpg

exit 0